Sunday 20 November 2011

Through the typical trails..

it's been some time since i last blogged ..
much had (hoping that it would never happen again) happened ..
hoping to blog something which everyone's able to enjoy..
(or maybe for the some of you , to let time pass)

i've looked through the blog generator for random topics ..
most of it were boring topic which ppl are gonna

still reading~~
*half-way reading*
*head smashes the laptop*

hope nothing from the above would happen while reading this post.. ^^ haha

to those who follows my blog:

to those who randomly flies through ppl's blog:
WAZZUPP !! please to meet you..

-used to blog about stupid stuff ..
-love making people laugh ..
-hope to see smiles on my comment box 
(hope that you smile while reading it too of course!!)
-erm if you've missed the past few parts , i'm still confused... what with ?? iPod==
*damn you iPod!!*
still unable to figure out how it works == 
-post about random stuff.. some with disturbing pictures .. 
hope you wouldn't mind about it..

this is more or less the introduction..
so lets start ?? hehe


it's been 5 months since i left college ...
really miss those baboons :'(
life in shatec(singapore hotel association) compared to college...
vast difference..
in college i have peers which are more mature and sensible..
in shatec i've found out that even peers about my age can be really immature and childish..

okok Ck~ cool down ..... 
*breathing breathing breathing!!!*
by the way .. i'm Ck .. hehe

ah ok lets continue ..
so after entering shatec, i've found out that environment really plays a part in your mood and studies..
studying with a slow learner which indirectly tells me that i'm not good in my studies..
*talking about it makes me boil !!!! damn him !!*
how about trying out for A-levels himself right ?? == damn jackass..

back to my baboons !!!
outings and activities ...
topics which we're able to talk about ..
a frequency which we can complement with ..

i realized that there were no pictures up there .. nvm nvm .. i'll start from here on ..

chili padi~

lecturers!! gonna visit them again .. soon !!

Rc guys !! suman Smile ~ Viddy !! and Lex !!

wondering what Pat's doing .. but i can see that Jane ain't bothered about it !!

Mel Mel !! hehe .. 

bored to death !! nothing to do ??

i guess you've found something to do ~

Mr Yap and Mr Cheng !!
ah the both of u helped me so much !! thanks !!!

preparations for teachers day!! or lecturers day ??

why am i so happy ?? == must be kady who made me laugh !! or was it the other way ? haha

what the hell am i doing ?!?!?!

my class ! small but powderful (powerful) !
awesome class.. 

too free i guess .. if i'm not wrong this is during a career talk..
wasn't interested with med i guess

wow ... handsome and pretty fwens ~

jet jet !! u look so bright ! ready for wedding ?? hehe ^^
jet !! miss u man !!
actually i miss everyone !!

Mr Tan with juniors !! cute eh ??
guys .. actually i wrote a blog about our college life .. but i lost it !! part 1 ,2 and 3 .. 
sad !! :'(

if i'm not wrong this is Qi Cai ...
fan of Suman!
all of us are ! hahaha

my dear kareema !! hehe finally ~~ COMEL NYE ~~~

towards the end of our journey .. 1 and a half year through hardship .. we're still laughing, smiling and fooling around! or was it just me ?

Jun Cong ! hehe .. i dun know how to read chinese , but that looks like a face...

me !!! ^^ wondering what i'm looking at

two of my best buds !! ah !! u guys are the best !!

so this marks the end of my post .. more to come in future ..
might post something random .. laughters k ??
see you soon !! take care !!


=End!! Chaoz~=

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