Saturday 26 November 2011

Given that if sadness has just filled your cup , let my happiness pour your cup full of sadness away~

hi people ~ i'm back ..

yes .. you've guessed it .. i'm back with iPod part 3 == i guess ..
lost track with how many times i've been trying out the iPod ..

this time it's something even worse==

i kept pressing the buttons .. trying to figure out why izzin it turning on !!!
some of u might have guessed ==
how much more dumb can i get ??

then i was searching high and low for my cable ... it took me quite some time to figure where the cable was .. and i found it !!!
what a genius !!!
but == i lost the iPod this time .. and i gave up searching for it ...

i guess this marks the end of iPod stupidity part 3 !!

as i've promised , time to make u laugh .. *i hope*

haha i typed stupid pictures .. didn't expect it to show this kinda picture .. should place it under idiotic pictures dun u think ?? hahahaha

i can smell you pungent and strong !!

glad he knows it himself !
people keep saying that they can read one another because it's writen all over their head ..
but one word described him perfectly ..
a picture tells a thousand/million words ..
a word tells a million him .. hahaha


i've heard people calling others dickhead .. but what about this ?? shit head ??

oh my.. i'm speechless

hehe ^^ i like this pic .. facial retardation ...

kk guys .. this marks the end of my post ..
hope that those who were sad are now smiling and laughing ^^ ..
it ain't much but i hope it did a little ..
thanks people !!
take care !


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