Tuesday 29 March 2011

Too short to be short ??

hello again ~ hope that u guys won't get offended with this topic .. haha
topic for today , too short to be short ?? nah .. i dun think the pics that i've chosen is related to the topic .. just that the post will be "SHORT" and it's about "SHORT" people and "SHORT" stuff =) 
so, enjoy ~

ever wonder what short people think about tall people ??
i asked a little boy this question.. he gave me his reply which goes like this

kid: have you ever wonder what tall people like you think about taller people?

at 1st it got me thinking .. i was wondering what was he trying to tell me .. so i asked him another question..

me: hey kid .. have you ever wonder what do tall people think of short people ??
kid: what what are you trying to prove ??

then i kept quiet and he kept quiet too .. but he walked away .. i'm guessing that i pissed him off .. haha .. i wonder where that kid is now ~

so what izzit like being tall ?? being tall gives that particular person an advantage ??
getting fresher air ?? haha i guess so .. i have this mentality whereby tall ppl are always at an advantage at crowded areas ..
for example , shopping malls ?? fairs ?? sales ??
hmm .. let me quote you an example ..
when i was young .. *yes people .. short ==* 
i'm always with my mom .. shopping , sales , jalan jalan n many more .. the thing is , at that time of my life .. i really understand why ppl say that sale is kinda like woman's fantasy..

ok let me tell u this story .. about my life .. when i was a kid .. 
whenever there's a sale , my mom would drag me out .. not sure why , but she would ..
she's grad my hand , and walk around .. the funny thing was that , whenever she nampak this word "SALE"

S= Selling
A= At
L= Low
E= pricE !!!

she would rush to that shop !!! that's the bad thing about it !! she'll rush through n slot in between people !! dah la i'm short , i kept on banging ppl's ass == my gawd .. that wasn't a pleasant experience .. it was hell !!!

okok.. let me get back to the point where tall ppl are at an advantage .. they seriously get fresher air == why ?? short ppl are the 1st to take in ppl's fart .. so offence ya ! hahaha .. if you aint "5foot8" in malaysia , you'll get ur date with the farting machines ..

kareema .. this came up when i typed short ~!! haha

never offend short people !!

 guys .. are they short or is he tall ?? hahaha .. the tallest man in china !! 

 SUMAN !! ADVANTAGE TO SHORT GUYS !!! hahahahahahha

if this is what pole dancing is like , i rather be gay ! hahaha

that's all folks =)


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