Wednesday 30 March 2011

what's life about ??

hi people~
i'm not sure what to talk about today .. but i'll just write what i can..
so , try ur best to enjoy ~ =)

so.. what's life ?
enjoying breath taking views ? wonderful environment .. peace .. having what u want all around you ??

is it about waiting for the sun to set or rise ??

or going to tropical areas to enjoy some jungle ??

to me , i dun think that's life .. i think life is about being happy .. being yourself .. for example , we shud enjoy every little thing in life .. what kinda "little things" ??

ass scratching ~ <pic 1> 

ass scratching~ <pic2> 

nose picking<pic1> 
nose picking <pic2> 

erm .. scratching *ahem* <pic1>

and again <pic2> 

what makes life more enjoyable than being yourself ??
when someone u really treasure or someone who spends his/her life with u for a long long time .. and that person does all those disgusting stuff .. to that person , it's normal .. 
think of it this way .. you're tolerated that person's behaviour and that person's disgusting-ness for years .. but now , that person's gone .. how would you feel ??
would you miss that person ?? 
would you miss what that person does all the time ??
what would your 1st impact be ??

no matter who that person is, a friend , a boyfriend or a girlfriend , wife or husband , grandfather or grandmother .. love them the way they are .. 

most importantly~ the best thing about life is that , laughter never fails
<might be me when i'm 100+> 

ever heard of "laughing his head off" ??
this is how a person looks like when he/she is laughing her head off..

so i guess that's all for today~ and a few more days .. haha ..


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