Tuesday 22 March 2011

i'm back !!

hi guys ~ as u can see .. i'm back !! haha
obvious =)
u guys missed me ??
i'm guessing that only a few know about my blog , so only a few of u guys missed me =) that's ok ~
so what shud i talk about today ??
how about my boring life while i was away from blogging for starters ??

hehe .. as u can see , the picture below.. that's not me .. but wanna try it out =) if i do so i'll take a pic of it n blog about it ..haha

i've been going on facebook day and night == boring.. bored .. gonna die from boredom..

oh oh oh oh !! oh ya !! i've been listening to music lately .. and ya ~ for those who has been following my blog .. i'm assuming that u guys still remember my "ipod fantasy"
 u guys looked like this when i told u guys about me not knowing how to use an ipod .. haha

eugene(cousin): chun, izzit true that u dunno how to use an ipod ??
me: ya ~~ are u gonna teach me ??? kareema left me to figure out how to turn on my ipod!!
eugene: see that button over there ?? press it~
me:which button ?? there are lots of buttons here ==
eugene: the one that has the play button u dumb ass ==
me: owhhhhhhhh(acting like i knew) ~ *wondering which is the play button* 

ta daaa ~~ end of this short blog .. haha .. just to satisfy few of u ppl's ipod part3 == hahaha
i'll type out something tonight ~ if i figure out what to write about =) guys ~~ please !! leave me some topics to talk about !!! haha .. thnx =)


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