Wednesday 23 March 2011

Smile ~

hey guys.. this post is for my dear frens who went through a bad day .. another short post =) enjoy~

first of all .. i dun really like ppl who sulk the whole time .. so why not smile =) i wanted to find weird n funny pics of lunatics .. but i guess google defined lunatic as something else then ~ this pic was one of the pic that was there .. so i'm guessing that he's a lunatic smiling .. haha .. even a lunatic smiles !!

chun kit: see guys .. even he smiles~
3 of u baboons: chun kit == if a lunatic doesn't smile or laugh like a crazy fella , he's no longer called a lunatic..
chun kit: so u guys are calling me a lunatic ?!?!?!?! ==
3 of u baboons: indirectly , YES !!
chun kit: great ==

enuf with lunatics .. let's get to what i really wanna tell u guys.. u guys are like my second family =) we laugh , play n crap together..(i know what you're gonna say kareema, only i crap a lot right ??== dah tau what you're gonna say).. haha , ya true .. i'm the only one crapping ..

so, as u can see .. the picture above is kinda ................ ermmmm .. freestyle .. haha
but that's the point .. this is what we do !! but with our clothes on that is =) haha

 we slack together ...
enjoy great times with each other =) especially when all of us are high =) we do stupid stuff .. or mayb just me ~ haha nvm ~

 we ride together!

we die together! 

badboys for life!

haha .. hey dudes .. smile will ya .. tomorrow will be a brighter day .. like what i posted in my facebook..

today's a good day~
tomorrow's a better day~
yesterday's a bad day~
so that makes last week a suck-ish week ..

life's great when u have chun kit crapping all the way =) hope u guys are feeling better..


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