Sunday 6 March 2011


elo elo ~ this will be my last post for now ~ haha .. hope to see more topics given by u guys .. feel free to leave it in the comment box on the right, above my "ipod"~ haha ..

yo caramell ~ here are your "disorders" which you ordered .. hehe..
enjoy ~ (or mayb try to)

1st on the disorder list, OCD..


hehe .. just joking .. obsessive-compulsive disorder .. caramell's favorite disorder == mr kenny's too .. haha .. they tend to fold paper .............. in a very weird way ~

they like being perfect .. the other time , mr kenny was like destroying the paper .. caramell's heart , deep inside was slowly deteriorating ... seconds were left for her to live with such torture

mr kenny: chun kit , look at what this can do to kareema (slowly crumpling the paper in his hand )
caramell: * twitches eyes of one side * (feeling the pain deep in her heart) *whispers*(this is the end of me T.T)

i'm guessing that you're feeling the pain even by reading this post .. haha .. rite kareema ??

=NEXT !!=

a pic , just to fill up this empty post =)

 this is one of my favorite ... haha.. what will you get if u look for a psychiatrist who wants to help you desperately , but can't explain it to you in words ??

"he illustrates your thoughts!!"

man with problem: doctor, i have this problem..
doc: yes, please do tell me your problem.. i'll help you in anyway and whichever way you think is possible for me to help you.. even if it takes some time for me to prepare~
man with problem: i've been having this dream for days .. i dreamt that i was walking around in public naked ..
doc: *walks behind a blind to get changed*
(1 minute later)
doc: erm .. i understand how you feel...................


okay~ this next picture shows how i look like it i don't get things done == frustrated~  
damn you're ugly ==

so, we'll move on to the next disorder .. mpd 
Multi Personality Disorder


i'm a guy !!!! haha .. that will never happen =)

okok .. MPD, multi personality disorder

a person with many personalities .. not one , not two , not three !! but many !! shown clearly, just look up ! haha .. i wonder is she a guy or is he a gal .. whichever it is , shim's (she him) damn ugly !! 

>>>> me on monday
<<<< me on friday , after college

so that makes me in this category ?? haha

how about britney spears on monday , lady gaga on tuesday , amy winehouse on wednesday ?? then repeat it for the following days .. 

 ain't he pweetie(pretty) ???????

patient: *having thoughts in him mind* (this male nurse looks handsome.. i think i'll go on a date with him when i'm "transformed")
doc(guy): *trying to read patient's mind* (i think he's falling for me .. i'll just draw his boobs n run off to my other gay partner before he gets jealous..)
doc(girl): (i think i'm surrounded by gays)

okay~ this is getting lame .. oh .. when i typed out mpd
i thought it'll pop out multi personality disorder .. but another mpd appeared .. which was music player daemon.. makes no sense to me .. so i changed it to another disorder.. music player disorder .. KAREEMA CAN'T SURVIVE WITHOUT HER MUSIC !!!
she ada this disorder !! bleh =p !!!

 here are a few pics of how kareema looks like without music!!

the next pic is how kareema looks like with music =) 
 looks more like emelda ~ hahaha

guys .. we should take this seriously !!! if we don't listen to music , we'll end up in the hospital .....

haha .. just joking =)) .. last pic n last post for now ~~

pete wentz.. my idol .. dunno who he is ?? guitarist from fall out boy .. haha ..

take care everyone !! byebye ~ remember to share it if u like it .. haha .. leave "comment-topics" .. which ever or whatever topics u want me to write about =) *reminder: leave comments in "cbox".. which is on the right, above my "ipod"*

ipod part3~coming soon!!


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