Tuesday 1 March 2011

we're not getting any younger !!

oh my .. life .. each and everyone of us .. this is where we start .. with 4 limbs down on the ground .. ever so curious .. innocent little people .. ever thought of what we did when we were young ?? to tell u the truth .. i dun really remember mine .. do you ??? our life is like an adventure ... setting off for new tasks and surprises in life .. 
 when we're young .. we're always hiding from the truth .. to our innocent minds , everything in this world is how we think of it .. example ?? ppl around us never fight , they're always happy , we'll never suffer in life n bla bla bla .. is that what it really is ??
 we tend to shut our ears when ppl tells us something that we dun really believe in ..

mom: son , the world is not round ..
son: NOOOOOO !!!!! THIS CAN'T BE TRUE !!!!!
mom:i'm telling you the truth..
son: *continues screaming*
hehe .. as we grow older , we catch up with the modern'ness of our world .. 

chun kit: this radio's so cool !!!
kareema: hey bro, every heard of  "I-Pod"????
chun kit:what's that ???
kareema: gawd  .. u memang teruk..

the next day , chun kit seaches for the device called i-pod ... ahhh !! this is so small !!

our modern accessories are getting smaller n smaller day by day ..
 izzin it nice looking at others smile ??
 bush: i totally agree~

*is that what u call a smile ??*
kareema !!! here's ur jambo sized burger .. haha 

guys .. we're still young .. so why not enjoy it ??
 my college frens does this in the toilet during trips(every toilet there is, this happens!!)

how great is that ?? is this life or wad ???? haha .. do u see this happening to ppl who are 20 odd ?!?! haha
 discussions are meant to be done together!! crap are meant to be shared with others !!
 enuf with babies!! lets rest a little .... haha
 teenagers .. a turning point for many people ??? *i dun think so~* i may be 19 .. but my mind and heart is still young as ever .. not just mine .. but yours too .. we spend most of our times with frens .. laughing , chatting , annoying , killing each other literally ..
 sharing good times with each other..
teenage life is about ?? FRIENDS !!!  
 tho sometimes we misunderstand each other .. why do we quarrel ?? coz we care about each other !!

when we get older .. any little mistake or any little stupid thing u do .. others will just pin your head to the dart board and start shooting .. i know , hitting bull's-eye is like 1 out of 100 times .. but guess what .. when ur head is up on the board , they will have 2 places to shoot at .. believe me , you wouldn't want that..
 life as a student is great ??
 let me think ..
is marrying at this age a better idea than studying ??? hahaha 
GUYS !!! WE SHOULD TRY THIS !!! haha ..

so people .. have i convinced u to look more into your life ?? i'm already 19 .. turning 20 next year .. congrats to me == .. 

enjoy life to the fullest .. but not too much =) dun go crazy , like me .. hahaha .. i'll continue more some other time .. if u guys wanna hear more from me , leave a comment .. post up the topic which u want me to blog about =)

=END!! chaoz~=

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