Wednesday 2 March 2011

crossroads of our lives

our life is like a crossword puzzle .. when we're young , we see nothing in life .. not say nothing bcoz we're not blind .. haha .. 

taking one step at a time , being very cautious .. just to make sure that we don't make mistakes ..but , how are we suppose to improve without making mistakes ?? we should think positive ppl !!!! 
 to be frank with everyone , my past years , my crossword puzzle was only filled with the word "FUN".. the crossword above shows how my crossword looks like .. she's a beauty izzin she ?? haha .. 

NO !!! now it has changed .. my life was turned upside down and downside up and inside out n outside in .. i know it's long .. to put it short , it has changed .. haha
there's a devil in my life !! scaring the fun stuff away .. haha .. it's called A-levels... hehe .. just joking =) everyone has a pit stop in life .. especially at the age i'm in now == 19 ... gawd !! i have to make decisions in a split second .. not even superman does that !! not even an ipod when u switch songs"i'm learning to deal with the ipod now~"(if u're blur, read the previous post .. you'll get it) ..

chun kit: kareema~ you're so pretty la today~
kareema: what izzit that u want this time chun kit =.=
chun kit: wow, you've read my mind .. great .. i'll just get straight to the point ..
(pauses for a minute)
chun kit:(one minute has passed) ermmmmm .. where's the ON button ???
kareema: youuuu !!!!!!!! hopeless ==
chun kit: so where izzit ??

kareema keeps quiet  and stares away ... poor chun kit .. can't even turn on his own ipod == haha
 so .. after a long time wondering what to do , we shud at least look at what's going on in the real world .. right ??? hehe .. (look at the picture on top)

if having a job like his pays well , who would get a job like that right ??? haha.. having coffee everyday , doing crosswords , slacking !!

that's life~ haha .. NOT !!!! don't ever do that !! you'll get fired the next second u have ur second sip of that coffee ...
so why not, take our time n look at crossword??? o.0 .. nono .. wrong pic !! .. haha .. nvm .. just change the crossword to a newspaper .. =)

we should take our time .. choose wisely .. what you choose now is what you'll deal with in the future .. if time is a factor , think n choose even when you're doing ur bussiness in the toilet !!

kareema: chun kit !!! you're disgusting !!
chun kit: thnx =) so will u teach me how to use my ipod now ????~ please~~~ hehe =)
(with a cheeky smile)
kareema: == *speechless*

so .. now that we've come to a point where we have choices .. so , which will you choose ?? a path which no one takes ?? or a path with is always taken ??

to me , none matters .. if u put ur mind and effort to it , everything will work out well for u

 don't be like the person in this pic on top == he's a nut head ...

what if we have more than 2 choices ??

MOM !!!! HELP ME !!!!!!

the world is full of mazes~ MOM !!!!!

i think we're over dependent .. haha .. or izzit just me ??? =)

 who's this guy ?? he looks wise .. mayb we should ask him =)

chun kit: hi sir...
mr bla bla: yes kid??
chun kit: i need your guidance ..
mr bla bla: and.....???
chun kit: i need some help 
mr bla bla: i know .. u said that already .. and ??
chun kit: i seriously need ur advice
mr bla bla: hey kid .. i may be old but i'm not senile ==
chun kit: nothing~ bye sir
mr bla bla: you little!?!?!!?!! @#$%^&@#

this is what u get if u irritate an old man !!

hehe =) lets waste our time~

ah == this post is getting bored .. let me cut to the end then .. in life .. bla bla bla .. we have detours .. so .. study real hard .. get more than one degree .. bla bla bla .. if u dun like ur bla bla course .. so detour .. turn back .. get ur other degree cert .. bla bla bla ..  work for another bla bla company , if u get into engineering or whatsoever that makes chun kit's life easier , make sure he ada discount .. dun do something which is as complicated is ipod .. ==
 here are some pictures of me thinking from the left side of me
 this is my good side .. handsome rite ?? hahahahahahahaha
 hey .. it's that old man again !! didn't realize that there's another pic of him ..haha

this is an imitation of me when i'm young !!! cute eh ?? hahahahah

my 1st section is eating .. 
2nd is playing .. 
3rd thinking of ideas which irritates people.. 
4th sleepy neurons

that's all !! have a great day everyone !!



  1. You're really good at lifting spirits =)

  2. always nice thing to c here~^^ Jess
