Saturday 26 February 2011

what i usually do on a holiday~~ Somewhere ~~

 always the 1st on my mind "ICE CREAM!!!"

 cozin,bro&(not to forget "me!!!") we're always like that when it comes to the 3 of us .. heads stuck together hahahaha
 bro and i
 stupid faces as usual
holiday's about ,watching TV!!!
cozin's always using his phone to take pig pics with me
loving right ?? NOT !!!!
there goes his stupid face spoiling the pic~ 
cozin behind the camera !! EUGENE !! JOIN US !! *some other time~* haha
more stupid faces
me carrying bro~ he's too heavy now ==
me .. trying to fit well in every "small things" in life
take aways
always spoiling my pic by popping his head in front of me
always asking me to take pic with him .. it gets annoying when he wants me to take over n over again just because of his smile "it's ugly, AGAIN!!"
there he goes again =)
every 1st pic that he takes , he acts cool !!!
busy'ness man .. hahaha always with his cam, complaining how he would have taken n wouldn't
food !!
more food !!
and more food !!
and again .. FOOD !!!
as usual .. pigs look like pigs .. what can i say .. what i do best is making pigs look more like pigs .. haha
mom acting cute !! biasa dy ~
acting macho without him knowing
still acting macho after telling him that i'm taking pic
smile ~ *there are like 5 more similar pics*(complains)
u guessed right again .. MORE FOOD !! 
my holiday is all about FOOD !!

mom's favourite!!

dad's always like that .. hahahaha .. *only acting*
tired faces ... or shud i say tired face(singular)
cool bro !! nasib baik he didn't complain .. or else there'll b more .. haha
as usual .. ice cream !!
pig =.=
pig standing next to his new pet~

still trying to fit into small things in life .. hahaha
mom's very sporting too .. now u see her
now u don't
trying to make everyone fit well in small things in life .. haha
bro's turn
it's already so cramped up !! why do u still force urself in ???? apa la ~
"here weng .. let me give u a kiss"
"DON'T DO THAT MOM !!  it's so........ nvm ~"
if i'm given a chance to really strangle him , i will !!! haha
food ~
pig eating food

full~ this is how we look like when we're full .. despite where we are or what we're eating .. this is what u get if u stuff food into me
always taking pics with ppl working there .. haha .. bro ~ 
me =)
her~ haha ..
is there any nose boogey ?
hey!! check mine too !!
i'm hiding at a corner .. scaring them n taking pics of everyone =)
hi dad
hi eugene !! hahaha
more faces to come~ coming soon !!

engrossed with the tv
seems nice.. but i've forgotten what i was watching .. 
eyes stuck to it .. airports are boring !!
my surname in a very weird arrangement .. might be upside down , downside up .. not sure .. haha

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