Monday, 21 May 2012

Making Life Worth Living..

Making Life Worth Living..

Hi... I'm back!!

it's been a long time since I last blogged..
busy with work and all...
another disappointment!! no funny blogs for now..
but!!! soon..

another boring post for most of u i guess..


I've finally understood what ppl meant by a two-headed snake..
life as a student and a life as a working adult is so different...
most of us tend to think that working is better than studying..
and when we're working, we tend to feel that studying would be much easier and all..

it works both ways.. neither of it is right not wrong..
it's how we look at it..
for us adults to think that studying is easier than working, our brains wouldn't take that kind of studying lifestyle when we try it out...
neither would a teenager think that working would be much easier as not only we do less "HOMEWORK" , we too get to earn money..

for those working and thinks that studying would be much easier, try taking a part time course.. not only it helps in our career but also to try out a little of what studying again feels like..


for teenagers who think that working would be a lot easier, think again !!! i'm in that phase !! haha..
yes, working would very much be easier as we study and study and study and we see things very differently from adults..
please remember that it's never as easy as it seems..
you're smart.. but not as street smart and crafty as those who are working.. 
they know their way around and much more experienced.. 
take your time studying and learning more while we're still young..


the older we are, the more we see the world, the wiser we get..
the more time we take to see the world and expose ourselves, the more we learn from others and also our mistakes..
it might be frustrating but believe me, frustration kills us slower than assholes out there who tries to back stab us, as we're so gullible..

i know i know.. what's with working life and all this shit have to do with making life worth living..
sorry kay.. at times i just write whatever that pops into my mind.. 


taking everything for granted is something most of us tend to do..
we never know how important it is till we lose something or someone..
most of the young children these days tend to want everything..
parents tend to pamper them, thinking that after getting their child what they want, they would be more obedient or might do something or maybe change..

i'm here to tell you that it would never work..
the more u grant them their wishes, the more they think that everything comes so easily..
as a result, a spoilt kid..
most parents love their child so much that they think it's ok for their child to behave that way, as they're still young..
ladies and gentlemen are mould when they're young..
not when they're old enough to change.. 
they would never change till something happens to them..
till then, it would be too late...

what i say might be wrong to most of you..
thinking that what i said was wrong defeats my purpose of telling everyone this..
so it's up to you to decide whether or not i'm right..

it's difficult to change a person when he/she carries a wrong attitude for years and trying to change he/she in such a short period of time..

teenagers: i'm always right because you dun understand what i'm doing.. 
adults: i'm right because i've gone through it before..

for teenagers, yes.. what you think or do is right... but always remember that it's right for you.. there's a tendency for you to be wrong..

for adults, we're all the same.. we stick to what we think is right and neglect other possibilities and how others would feel..

i dunno.. i think i'm getting further from what i'm supposed to write about .. 
heck with it.. haha..

if any of you would like me to continue, please drop me a comment..

sorry if i've offended anyone in anyway.. 

=End!! chaoz~=

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