Wednesday, 27 April 2011

hey dude~

Bro: chun .. what are u doing now ??
Me: what else can i possibly be doing ??
Bro: watching p**n ??
Me: if staring at u naked right now is what u call p**n then ya ~
Bro: i feel sexy right now ~

Me: *pukes*

randomness ~~


Tuesday, 26 April 2011

my friend

Hi people ~ i know .. the previous post was kinda unexpected ..
so lets start off with something .. erm ..
u guys didn't give me any topics .. so i'm just gonna go "random mode"
 friends .. what are friends ??
answer ??
ppl say that frens are those who stick by you,
help you out,
spend their time with u,
share their good times and bad times.. and etc etc ..

and i'm here to tell you that it's true..
yes , we have our own days of going down hill .. 
and yes , they were the ones helping us get through tough times..
i've had mine .. and yes .. 
frens are like a bag full of happiness..

nice aren't they ?? they're ever so bright ... having them around makes it feel like  u don't really need torch lights when u go jungle tracking ..

why ??

coz it's better if they don't see you .. when they do , you'll end up getting tied to a tree or getting raped in the middle of the jungle ~~

frens keep us warm~ and comfy ~~

frens talk to each other about almost everything ~~
and when i say everything , it means everything ~~~ haha ..
shhhh .. only u and i know ..
 randomness .. not sure what i wanna say dy ~~ haha..


Friday, 15 April 2011

Trials .. over ~

phase one of death has just passed ~

ppl of Rc !! lets prepare for war !!!

war between men and papers !!

an epic war !! war of the century !!

we live together ! we die together ???
(no thanks)

be ready with ur weapons and strategies !

sharpen your pencils and change ur batteries of ur calculators ..

when it's time , it'll hit us hard !! so we must fight back .. 

haha .. this aint gonna end .. sry guys =) just being lame .. nothing to do for now ~


Friday, 8 April 2011


guys ..
i was eating in front of my comp .. and reading youtube comments ..
and this comment was like

Girl:late at night , i heard knockings on my window ..  it was the guy that i had a crush on, throwing tiny stones at my window .. when i opened my window .. he said .. i love you..

haha .. and being chun kit's great .. 

here's chun kit's version ..

if u throw stones at the window of the girl of your dreams, that's not a good idea in malaysia..

most houses have alarms built in .. so if u throw anything , the alarm will go off == you wouldn't want that .. the father of the girl of you dreams will go bonkers ..

instead of the girl saying i love you too , her father will go "F**K you !!! you better scram!!"

that's all =) haha ..


Thursday, 7 April 2011

aint gonna blog for some time

elo guys ~ not gonna blog for a few days .. or mayb even weeks ..

and please ~ drop ur topics in the comment box .. no topics = no inspiration .. no comments = no support .. so =) please drop ur topics n comments in the chat box .. which is on ur right 


thnx =) byebye ~ take care everyone ~~


Monday, 4 April 2011


hi guys !!
wondering why it's part one ?? because i don't only have one but many things that i wish for ..
this is one that i wish for most=) wondering what to get me on my birthday ??
u'd have to read and wait till all my parts are done~

many people wish for sports cars , big houses , branded goods and etc etc ..
bad and rotten eyes i may say .. no offence but they're just names..
it's like printing a name on an item and sell it for 4k ?
and it may only be just a shirt , dress , shoe or etc etc ..

haha .. this post izzin about branded goods or whatsoever .. 

so lets begin~

i love the night .. at night .. it makes me feel calm~
what's so great about the night ? it's dark =) obviously ~
hmmm .. only once .. i went out .. away from home .. for 2days .. that was the only 2days i got to see what's outside the 4 walls of my room ..
it felt great .. i stayed up and NEVER went to sleep .. 
this i can say never .. for 1 day .. haha =) 
where ?? batu layar .. near desaru .. with my college frens and lecturers .. =)
it was a college trip .. and that was the 1st time my dad allowed me to go on a trip =)
so happy !!
last year that is~

i stayed up .. looking up into the skies .. wondering what does it feel like .. being free ..
no stress .. no worries ..
nothing to fear from ..
that was when .. i found out the true beauty of what's other then high rise skyscrapers and anything from our modern world ..

during the night .. under a clear blur sky (it does look blue at night)
it was breath taking .. by the beach .. listening to the waves and the wind .. feeling the fresh cool breeze brushing onto the hair or my hands ~ hahaha ..
my "trichomes" =)

under these skies lie a stupid little boy , who hopes to lie under the sky at night and relax ..
i had this experience ONCE .. but i really hope to have it again ..
i just hope that someone would bring me out and spend a night with me under these skies ..
chatting ?? sharing experiences  ?? or talk about any topic .. anyone =)

this was what it looked like during my college trip .. the sky was really clear .. and there were so many stars.. too many , that i could even fall asleep counting them  =)

so guys .. i know my story's kinda all over the place .. but i hope u guys won't mind ..
remember to send me those topics !! i need them !!


Sunday, 3 April 2011


exam's around the corner !!
nothing's entering my brain !! someone help !!!!!
dah la i tak pandai .. haiz ~

a-levels .. die ~~~~

how i just hope exam cancels ..

work work and more work !!!

we're just burying ourselves with piles of homework , revision and books ..
major headache.. tried to throw away some stress particles by going out for a movie .. but it didn't work .. exam was on my mind the whole freakin time .. haix

this is me ~~

that's all for today .. headache !! 


Saturday, 2 April 2011

life's like a shadow ..another person would just walk over it~

another emo topic ?? no ~~~
sry about the other time ..
erm .. i'm not sure what i wanna write tho .. none of u guys are giving me topics.. and u guys should also give me the reason for that particular topic ..

what i'm gonna talk about today is not related to the topic .. although it sounds nice .. maybe some other time~
i'm gonna run through my mind and just type what's in it ..

now, i'm thinking of people ..
what about people ??
they're human .. just like me .. but i'm extra lame .. ter sungguh amat sangat LAME..

L= lick
A= a
M= monkey's
E= eyeball !!

 eww?? haha .. i'll find another way to describe it then..

L= lame
A= ame
M= me
E= e

okok .. lets not get ourselves carried toooooooo far away .. 
so .. what else is on my mind .. i'm thinking about .. 
about ...
about ==
 nothing's on my mind right now .. too tired i guess ..

let's look at pictures .. fall .. waterfall .. 
 Fall .. *four seasons*
a picture of a bench during the fall ~ haha

 i know i know ... just by looking at all those pics , u guys can tell .. no need for me to tell you what it is ~
yes .. a noob i am~

calling me noob is fine .. at least i don't fix my gun this way .. =p=p=p ..

hello people ~~~ topics please .. 


Friday, 1 April 2011

tears shed and falls upon my faulty mood

guys .. i'm sorry .. it aint gonna be a post which will make u guys laugh ..
i thought i could solve anyone's problems including mine .. but i was wrong .. 

if u guys are in a foul mood .. it's best that u better not read it .. 
i'll post something that will cheer u up some other time ..
i'd like to say sorry to kareema , suman , hui min , videsh , thomas , eugene , jess and to those who updates themselves.. really appreciate ur support.. 
(stating ur names this way izzin discriminating u guys .. it's random )

having a dull day .. not just today , but almost everyday for the past few days ..
to generalize it so it won't just be about myself , life for some people are tough at times ..

 taking criticisms or mayb firing from others will not hurt you physically but emotionally..
to those who can withstand or tolerate such , i take my hats off ..

i've been tolerating for almost all my life .. 
i think i'm at the verge of stabbing myself to death .. but no .. i won't ..
i'll continue helping those who are in need of my help .. 
cheering you up would be the greatest achievement and satisfaction ..

 life as it is .. 
i admit ..
it's difficult ..
but we as human.. have the ability to take control of almost everything ..
i find that both our mind and heart , really are connected ..

when one's hurt emotionally ..
he or she would not be thinking straight..

i'm not sure about u guys .. but whenever i'm hurt .. i can't really express myself ..
it felt like the whole world's pressing down onto me ..
my heart felt compressed..
my shoulders felt burdened ..

i felt like screaming .. but couldn't do so ..
i felt like throwing something .. but couldn't bring myself to do so .. 

what is it that's making it so difficult to let it all out ??

hope that you don't find me boastful , but .. 
i've helped many ..
they felt lighter and happier .. they seem to be free and able to continue their life..
it's either they're just pretending or i really helped them ..
i felt happy for them.. satisfied.. asking nothing but their smile and laughter..
but yet , i can't even solve my own problem .. 
maybe life is as it seems..
 nothing to complain about anyway ..

 i need a hug badly .. how i wish someone could just give me a warm hug and tell me that everything's gonna be alright..

as tears continue falling ..
heart continues bleeding ..
how i wish i could just have someone to accompany me for the night ..
waits for me to shut my eyes .. smiles .. .... i'm speechless ..

to those crazy ppl who thinks i'm a maniac or a jerk or whatsoever u guys call me .. for example a pervert or a casanova .. i hope that u guys would try to know me more and understand me more before calling me names .. i have no one to talk to and i have no gf to accompany me .. i know u guys or girls have ur own bf or gf .. but please .. stop.. i had enough ..

this post is not posted because of those people who called me names (it's just an additional message)
i have other problems .. and it lead me to this .. sry for making u guys emo .. now i know why u guys said that blogs are to express ur feelings .. feeling a little better .. thanks ..

*forgive me for my bad grammar and vocab .. i'm not sure what's wrong with me*
