Wednesday, 30 March 2011

what's life about ??

hi people~
i'm not sure what to talk about today .. but i'll just write what i can..
so , try ur best to enjoy ~ =)

so.. what's life ?
enjoying breath taking views ? wonderful environment .. peace .. having what u want all around you ??

is it about waiting for the sun to set or rise ??

or going to tropical areas to enjoy some jungle ??

to me , i dun think that's life .. i think life is about being happy .. being yourself .. for example , we shud enjoy every little thing in life .. what kinda "little things" ??

ass scratching ~ <pic 1> 

ass scratching~ <pic2> 

nose picking<pic1> 
nose picking <pic2> 

erm .. scratching *ahem* <pic1>

and again <pic2> 

what makes life more enjoyable than being yourself ??
when someone u really treasure or someone who spends his/her life with u for a long long time .. and that person does all those disgusting stuff .. to that person , it's normal .. 
think of it this way .. you're tolerated that person's behaviour and that person's disgusting-ness for years .. but now , that person's gone .. how would you feel ??
would you miss that person ?? 
would you miss what that person does all the time ??
what would your 1st impact be ??

no matter who that person is, a friend , a boyfriend or a girlfriend , wife or husband , grandfather or grandmother .. love them the way they are .. 

most importantly~ the best thing about life is that , laughter never fails
<might be me when i'm 100+> 

ever heard of "laughing his head off" ??
this is how a person looks like when he/she is laughing her head off..

so i guess that's all for today~ and a few more days .. haha ..


Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Too short to be short ??

hello again ~ hope that u guys won't get offended with this topic .. haha
topic for today , too short to be short ?? nah .. i dun think the pics that i've chosen is related to the topic .. just that the post will be "SHORT" and it's about "SHORT" people and "SHORT" stuff =) 
so, enjoy ~

ever wonder what short people think about tall people ??
i asked a little boy this question.. he gave me his reply which goes like this

kid: have you ever wonder what tall people like you think about taller people?

at 1st it got me thinking .. i was wondering what was he trying to tell me .. so i asked him another question..

me: hey kid .. have you ever wonder what do tall people think of short people ??
kid: what what are you trying to prove ??

then i kept quiet and he kept quiet too .. but he walked away .. i'm guessing that i pissed him off .. haha .. i wonder where that kid is now ~

so what izzit like being tall ?? being tall gives that particular person an advantage ??
getting fresher air ?? haha i guess so .. i have this mentality whereby tall ppl are always at an advantage at crowded areas ..
for example , shopping malls ?? fairs ?? sales ??
hmm .. let me quote you an example ..
when i was young .. *yes people .. short ==* 
i'm always with my mom .. shopping , sales , jalan jalan n many more .. the thing is , at that time of my life .. i really understand why ppl say that sale is kinda like woman's fantasy..

ok let me tell u this story .. about my life .. when i was a kid .. 
whenever there's a sale , my mom would drag me out .. not sure why , but she would ..
she's grad my hand , and walk around .. the funny thing was that , whenever she nampak this word "SALE"

S= Selling
A= At
L= Low
E= pricE !!!

she would rush to that shop !!! that's the bad thing about it !! she'll rush through n slot in between people !! dah la i'm short , i kept on banging ppl's ass == my gawd .. that wasn't a pleasant experience .. it was hell !!!

okok.. let me get back to the point where tall ppl are at an advantage .. they seriously get fresher air == why ?? short ppl are the 1st to take in ppl's fart .. so offence ya ! hahaha .. if you aint "5foot8" in malaysia , you'll get ur date with the farting machines ..

kareema .. this came up when i typed short ~!! haha

never offend short people !!

 guys .. are they short or is he tall ?? hahaha .. the tallest man in china !! 

 SUMAN !! ADVANTAGE TO SHORT GUYS !!! hahahahahahha

if this is what pole dancing is like , i rather be gay ! hahaha

that's all folks =)


Monday, 28 March 2011

Having a hard time figuring things out ?? i'm noob with hearts

Hi guys ~ i'm back with another short post ..
yes, as u can see.. the topic says it all..
having another problem.. and ya , it's also stated on top.. 
HEARTS <3<3<3 !!! yay !!! haha

let's start off with some stuff other than hearts .. for those who "tak pernah"(never) viewed my blog before , don't worry .. it aint too late to start now .. haha .. but you've missed my "iPods" .. you'll know what i mean when u read all my post ~~

so how's life ?? mine's~~~~ kinda fine~ haha how about yours ??
life is full of suprises eh ?? haha
i had mine today~
i'm like a freakin noob ==
wanna know why ?? scroll down~

this is what a heart looks like .. a shape of it that is ..
to me.. a heart looks like ~~~~~ 
 THIS !!!
my oh my .. the only heart i'm able to draw is what u can see up here .. == .. to me , that's a heart .. haha .. 

as you can see , this pic up here , is a picture of a game .. kingdom hearts =) i know, it aint related .. just wanna put this pic up for fun~ 
okok .. let me get to the point .. the reason for this short post is bcoz , i discovered something extraordinary !!!
it goes like this..

(facebook status)What's on your mind?
*yes .. that's my status*

kareema: nando's
me: tak payah  cakap nando's also i tau 1 list of what u suke
me: kareema, my laptop noob .. no hearts .. haha
kareema: ‎=.= just put < then 3
me: ♥ =)
me: eh!! ada !! hahahaha
kareema: This is worse than the iPod case la my dear =.=''

as you can see .. my life is full of undiscovered wonders of life .. every little thing seems new to me !! =) hope u guys enjoyed this short noob post of mine



guys .. today's boring.. yesterday was no better.. tomorrow's gonna get even worse .. help !!!!
i surrender !!

A-level's killing me!!!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Smile ~

hey guys.. this post is for my dear frens who went through a bad day .. another short post =) enjoy~

first of all .. i dun really like ppl who sulk the whole time .. so why not smile =) i wanted to find weird n funny pics of lunatics .. but i guess google defined lunatic as something else then ~ this pic was one of the pic that was there .. so i'm guessing that he's a lunatic smiling .. haha .. even a lunatic smiles !!

chun kit: see guys .. even he smiles~
3 of u baboons: chun kit == if a lunatic doesn't smile or laugh like a crazy fella , he's no longer called a lunatic..
chun kit: so u guys are calling me a lunatic ?!?!?!?! ==
3 of u baboons: indirectly , YES !!
chun kit: great ==

enuf with lunatics .. let's get to what i really wanna tell u guys.. u guys are like my second family =) we laugh , play n crap together..(i know what you're gonna say kareema, only i crap a lot right ??== dah tau what you're gonna say).. haha , ya true .. i'm the only one crapping ..

so, as u can see .. the picture above is kinda ................ ermmmm .. freestyle .. haha
but that's the point .. this is what we do !! but with our clothes on that is =) haha

 we slack together ...
enjoy great times with each other =) especially when all of us are high =) we do stupid stuff .. or mayb just me ~ haha nvm ~

 we ride together!

we die together! 

badboys for life!

haha .. hey dudes .. smile will ya .. tomorrow will be a brighter day .. like what i posted in my facebook..

today's a good day~
tomorrow's a better day~
yesterday's a bad day~
so that makes last week a suck-ish week ..

life's great when u have chun kit crapping all the way =) hope u guys are feeling better..


Tuesday, 22 March 2011

i'm back !!

hi guys ~ as u can see .. i'm back !! haha
obvious =)
u guys missed me ??
i'm guessing that only a few know about my blog , so only a few of u guys missed me =) that's ok ~
so what shud i talk about today ??
how about my boring life while i was away from blogging for starters ??

hehe .. as u can see , the picture below.. that's not me .. but wanna try it out =) if i do so i'll take a pic of it n blog about it ..haha

i've been going on facebook day and night == boring.. bored .. gonna die from boredom..

oh oh oh oh !! oh ya !! i've been listening to music lately .. and ya ~ for those who has been following my blog .. i'm assuming that u guys still remember my "ipod fantasy"
 u guys looked like this when i told u guys about me not knowing how to use an ipod .. haha

eugene(cousin): chun, izzit true that u dunno how to use an ipod ??
me: ya ~~ are u gonna teach me ??? kareema left me to figure out how to turn on my ipod!!
eugene: see that button over there ?? press it~
me:which button ?? there are lots of buttons here ==
eugene: the one that has the play button u dumb ass ==
me: owhhhhhhhh(acting like i knew) ~ *wondering which is the play button* 

ta daaa ~~ end of this short blog .. haha .. just to satisfy few of u ppl's ipod part3 == hahaha
i'll type out something tonight ~ if i figure out what to write about =) guys ~~ please !! leave me some topics to talk about !!! haha .. thnx =)


Sunday, 6 March 2011


elo elo ~ this will be my last post for now ~ haha .. hope to see more topics given by u guys .. feel free to leave it in the comment box on the right, above my "ipod"~ haha ..

yo caramell ~ here are your "disorders" which you ordered .. hehe..
enjoy ~ (or mayb try to)

1st on the disorder list, OCD..


hehe .. just joking .. obsessive-compulsive disorder .. caramell's favorite disorder == mr kenny's too .. haha .. they tend to fold paper .............. in a very weird way ~

they like being perfect .. the other time , mr kenny was like destroying the paper .. caramell's heart , deep inside was slowly deteriorating ... seconds were left for her to live with such torture

mr kenny: chun kit , look at what this can do to kareema (slowly crumpling the paper in his hand )
caramell: * twitches eyes of one side * (feeling the pain deep in her heart) *whispers*(this is the end of me T.T)

i'm guessing that you're feeling the pain even by reading this post .. haha .. rite kareema ??

=NEXT !!=

a pic , just to fill up this empty post =)

 this is one of my favorite ... haha.. what will you get if u look for a psychiatrist who wants to help you desperately , but can't explain it to you in words ??

"he illustrates your thoughts!!"

man with problem: doctor, i have this problem..
doc: yes, please do tell me your problem.. i'll help you in anyway and whichever way you think is possible for me to help you.. even if it takes some time for me to prepare~
man with problem: i've been having this dream for days .. i dreamt that i was walking around in public naked ..
doc: *walks behind a blind to get changed*
(1 minute later)
doc: erm .. i understand how you feel...................


okay~ this next picture shows how i look like it i don't get things done == frustrated~  
damn you're ugly ==

so, we'll move on to the next disorder .. mpd 
Multi Personality Disorder


i'm a guy !!!! haha .. that will never happen =)

okok .. MPD, multi personality disorder

a person with many personalities .. not one , not two , not three !! but many !! shown clearly, just look up ! haha .. i wonder is she a guy or is he a gal .. whichever it is , shim's (she him) damn ugly !! 

>>>> me on monday
<<<< me on friday , after college

so that makes me in this category ?? haha

how about britney spears on monday , lady gaga on tuesday , amy winehouse on wednesday ?? then repeat it for the following days .. 

 ain't he pweetie(pretty) ???????

patient: *having thoughts in him mind* (this male nurse looks handsome.. i think i'll go on a date with him when i'm "transformed")
doc(guy): *trying to read patient's mind* (i think he's falling for me .. i'll just draw his boobs n run off to my other gay partner before he gets jealous..)
doc(girl): (i think i'm surrounded by gays)

okay~ this is getting lame .. oh .. when i typed out mpd
i thought it'll pop out multi personality disorder .. but another mpd appeared .. which was music player daemon.. makes no sense to me .. so i changed it to another disorder.. music player disorder .. KAREEMA CAN'T SURVIVE WITHOUT HER MUSIC !!!
she ada this disorder !! bleh =p !!!

 here are a few pics of how kareema looks like without music!!

the next pic is how kareema looks like with music =) 
 looks more like emelda ~ hahaha

guys .. we should take this seriously !!! if we don't listen to music , we'll end up in the hospital .....

haha .. just joking =)) .. last pic n last post for now ~~

pete wentz.. my idol .. dunno who he is ?? guitarist from fall out boy .. haha ..

take care everyone !! byebye ~ remember to share it if u like it .. haha .. leave "comment-topics" .. which ever or whatever topics u want me to write about =) *reminder: leave comments in "cbox".. which is on the right, above my "ipod"*

ipod part3~coming soon!!


Friday, 4 March 2011

Is L**E .. LifE or LovE ??

hi~ i'm back !! so .. what's the topic about today ?? it's both life and love .. not love and death =) haha .. sry .. was just being lame for awhile .. shiok sendiri .. okok .. how am i suppose to start ~ ok .. love .. what's love ? if u ask me , i don't really know .. i'm not a love doctor or something like that .. but since one of my fren asked me to post something about relationships , so why not ?? rite ?? hehe .. better than having nothing to write about .. so, lets start !!

 phone calls .. a great way to contact each other .. keeping a relationship healthy and loving ~ haha .. ain't healthy for your health that's for sure (radiation) .. 

many of us call each other , to keep up with each other , asking how's your day , wanting to know your whereabouts , because they have developed this feeling of "need-to-know" or izzit a thought ?? on a daily basis , they tell each other how was their day .. is that even a need to do so ?? mayb , for some people .. mayb they're just worried?? i think so too .. we tend to forget to ask ourselves , if he/she were to be together with this particular person .. 

(i'm putting myself in their shoe now)
1st: will i be happy ??
2nd: is this the person the right person for me??
3rd: how's my life gonna be with this person ??
4th: how far will i go with this person ??
(these are a few common questions)

the question that most of us never ask or think of it is , what will his/her life be without that person .. if we're talking about a person who we're gonna spend the rest of our life with this particular person without asking ourselves this question , WE'RE DOOMED !!!!
oh no~ just YOU !! haha .. why is this question important ??? i'll tell you why ..

1) are u gonna spend ur life with someone who sticks on to you ??
2) with that person smsing you or calling you , asking where are you, who you're with or when will you get back home .. are you gonna have a healthy career ?? would u live ur life with a person (stalker) like that ?? .. not forgetting that you're gonna be with that person for a longgggg longgggg time ~

i know , some of you may think , this is caring or bla bla bla .. sorry to burst your bubble , but if you've just started getting into a relationship , you wouldn't realize it "yet" .. many of us tend to be "blinded by love" .. who said your wife or husband has to be pretty or handsome ?? if that's the case , those that you classify as fat and ugly , izzin suppose to have a love life ?? 

yes , we tend to look at the outer appearance 1st .. if u don't pass looks, you'll fail the other criteria .. right ?? gawd ~ let me guess .. u guys would wanna ask me "would you marry a fat or ugly woman" right ?? answer to that question is that , if fate really brings the both of us together then ya .. so what's your answer ?? no thank you ?? 

looks are deceiving .. not may be deceiving , but they are!! having doubts about me and what i say ?? you'll see it one day ~

enough with me and you .. now lets talk about what everyone does when they're in love .. they're willing to share everything (eg; secrets , stories from the past n etc. etc.)

boy:here .. have my heart
girl:thanks.. here's mine too ..

they switched their heart ?!?!?!?! o.0 .. no ~ literally .. this shows how much they love each other ?? no .. they're blinded by love too~ i know, this post is about good stuff and bla bla bla .. but i can't help thinking of what the truth really is .. i'm not trying to bring your hopes down or whatsoever .. but i'm trying to tell you what's really happening out there ..

love is a battlefield eh ?? yes .. you're the puppet which people are gonna use as a target practice .. BE SMART !!! be a soldier !! not a puppet ..

okok~ i know that you wouldn't want my post to end up making your face sour , with an angry feeling .. i'll stop ..

so.. here's a new start.. below~
 does your love ones tell you that they're constantly thinking of you ?? this , i do believe .. we tend to think of those ppl who we're always with and together .. i won't deny the fact that this is true .. 

hehe .. it only depends on what they're thinking of with you ~~~ in future (kareema , i know that u know what i mean =) hehe )

take this pic for example .. emo cat needs love .. when ppl are desperate , this is how they look like .. big sparkling eyes

some of us are afraid of going after those we like or have feelings for..
tell him/her how you feel .. you won't regret it .. but please, know each other longer before u get together .. haha .. study each other more =)

if you end up with break-ups .. please don't be like the person on top .. i've encountered many of these kinda people .. they're not easy to deal with .. they'll be like

guy: chun kit .. please help me .. i don't know what to do..
chun kit: how may i help you ??
guy: i got dumped!!!
((chun kit: you're dumb then !!!)just joking ..haha) 
chun kit: and you want me to???
guy: help me get her back

this is a sign of desperation !!! ==

chun kit: sure.. how about you help me, help you .. by 1st telling me what happened
(guy explains n bla bla bla )

tell you something .. they got dumped coz it was their fault !!! so why brood over it and complain about your own mistakes ??? but usually i help them up .. so after a long chat .. they knew their problem .. so please .. come to me if u have problems .. don't keep everything up inside and sit in a corner n kill urself slowly ==
 this is what i always tell everyone !!

if making your heart smile is possible , why can't everyone just be happy ?? no need for sad faces or emo-ing (if that's what u call it)

ah !! this pic .. it reminds me of some people .. some ppl tie their love ones like that !!! haha .. security purposes !!!

i'm jumping all over the place == please forgive me .. this is a topic which i usually try to avoid...

ok .. in this pic .. couples quarrel .. yes ... this is a difficult way to know more about each other .. having quarrels once a week is ok =) sometimes it gets funny .. haha .. where they're not loving any more , they tend to scold each other vulgarities , and they seem to be numbed to it .. haha ..

 but some couldn't take it .. so it's time to hit the papers

some will split for some time ... and after a few days, they realized that they felt lost without each other .. so they forgive each other and make out == or made up ?? hahaha

a little laughter wouldn't hurt after such a long and boring "article"  hahaha .. okok.. continue .. wait wait .. u know something ?? i feel like i'm talking to myself while blogging == this is weird ..

more pics of kisses ?? or forgiving each other ?? or bla bla bla .. i dunno .. i just like how the sun is positioned in this pic ..

okok !! enuf with boring stuff !! this is what i do best !!! make u guys laugh after a long tired day !!!


we were talking about love right ??? this is how MJ showed love to his face .. 

wondering why doesn't it drop during his concerts .. haha .. how he's "gone" , so we have no chance to experience it !! 

MJ: hey~ how would this nose look for tonight's concern ??
MJ's Lackey: sir, you look fabulistically awesome !!
MJ: really ?? thanks .. how aobut me without the nose ??
MJ's lackey: i think you better get a paperbag!!

 owners love for dogs and guns !! shouldn't it go woof woof woof instead of pew pew pew ??  haha

tell me , where can u find love which is more loving than this ?? 

 looks like me and my bro == hahaha

if u feel that you need a change in life.. this is the way to start it off =)

RC PPL !!! OUR LION!!!! hahahahaha

drunkard showing his passion and love for his cans of emply beer == wonder what's at the bottom of the tub  .. beer ?? or water??
 life can't get better than this !!

ah !! my last pic .. and the end of my post .. forgive me if this post is boring .. i dun really know much about relationships .. so i can't explain much .. but what life is ?? haha .. i'll pass u an encyclopedia =)

hope that it wasn't toooooooo boring .. 

=END!! chaoz~=