Wednesday 11 May 2011

I Hate You !!!

guys .. i'm not hating any of u ..
i'm freakin pissed !!
this was what happened ~~

this is how the spam looks like!!
once u get into it .. at the bottom of that thing .. they have this thing called 
"get your dislike now!"
and being typical me !! with itchy fingers .. i frenkin pressed it .. not once .. not twice .. but many many times !! bcoz nothing popped out ..

after that .. i start receiving messages from others calling me a spammer..

see what i mean ?? hahaha

and as u can see .. i posted something .. my status ==
enjoy~~ ==

and this is what happened ..
all thanks to this .. i have to vent my anger .. i was like cursing n swearing !!! man !!
to the person who created this noob ass shit ==

ok =) feeling better now ~ thnx.. haha


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