Tuesday 26 April 2011

my friend

Hi people ~ i know .. the previous post was kinda unexpected ..
so lets start off with something .. erm ..
u guys didn't give me any topics .. so i'm just gonna go "random mode"
 friends .. what are friends ??
answer ??
ppl say that frens are those who stick by you,
help you out,
spend their time with u,
share their good times and bad times.. and etc etc ..

and i'm here to tell you that it's true..
yes , we have our own days of going down hill .. 
and yes , they were the ones helping us get through tough times..
i've had mine .. and yes .. 
frens are like a bag full of happiness..

nice aren't they ?? they're ever so bright ... having them around makes it feel like  u don't really need torch lights when u go jungle tracking ..

why ??

coz it's better if they don't see you .. when they do , you'll end up getting tied to a tree or getting raped in the middle of the jungle ~~

frens keep us warm~ and comfy ~~

frens talk to each other about almost everything ~~
and when i say everything , it means everything ~~~ haha ..
shhhh .. only u and i know ..
 randomness .. not sure what i wanna say dy ~~ haha..


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