Friday 8 April 2011


guys ..
i was eating in front of my comp .. and reading youtube comments ..
and this comment was like

Girl:late at night , i heard knockings on my window ..  it was the guy that i had a crush on, throwing tiny stones at my window .. when i opened my window .. he said .. i love you..

haha .. and being chun kit's great .. 

here's chun kit's version ..

if u throw stones at the window of the girl of your dreams, that's not a good idea in malaysia..

most houses have alarms built in .. so if u throw anything , the alarm will go off == you wouldn't want that .. the father of the girl of you dreams will go bonkers ..

instead of the girl saying i love you too , her father will go "F**K you !!! you better scram!!"

that's all =) haha ..


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