Hi people ..
Food for thought~~
"please surrender your seat to the needy~"
guys .. what i'm gonna blog about today is what happened to me not too long ago
(few hours ago)..
i was on my way back from school ..
Singapore >>> Johor Bahru
what happened ?? == i was mentally raped .. physically molested ...
conversation from (Jurong East >>> Chua Chu Kang) [Singapore Mrt]
*at first the conversation was ok .. talking about his trip and history== later on~~ WOW !!*
Gabriel( boy who's kinda special.. not gay.. a boy with defects or something less?? special.. i think his name was Gabriel or something like that.. it was difficult understanding what he said because he was kinda special) : Hi.. i'm Gabriel.. nice to meet you
Ck(me): Hi i'm chun kit.. nice to meet you too..
Gabriel: and your friend next to you ??
Ck: Yin Keng, he's talking to you..
Yin Keng(my friend who usually accompanies me back): Oh.. hi i'm Yin Keng.. nice to meet you..(listens to music)
Gabriel: where are you from?
Ck: Johor Bahru..
Gabriel: how do you usually go back??
Ck: by bus of course..
Gabriel: which bus do you take ??
Ck: 170 ??
Gabriel: is it ? you can take 956 and .......(didn't hear what he said .. he was mumbling at that time)
Ck: (wondering==) [few seconds later] Yin Keng.. 956 can ??
Yin Keng: huh ?? can meh ??
Ck: i dun think so ==
*Yin Keng plugs his music back in*
Gabriel: do you change your underwear everyday ??
Ck: *laughs* (what do you expect me to do ?? it was in public == on top of that, it was freaking packed) Yes ?? of course i change my underwear .. (sarcastically asking him back "don't you ??")
Gabriel: yes.. does he??
Ck: oh course he does!! (referring to Yin Keng)
Gabriel: oh okay... do you change your shirt ??
Ck: yes.. of course..
Gabriel: does he ?
Ck: of course..
Gabriel: do you know girls wear panties??
Ck: *speechless* .. (people in front of me giggles == there was a pretty young lady in front of me .. wow ~~ haha .. and a 30+ year old lady .. both staring == oh my..)
Gabriel: you wear long pants ??
Ck: ya~
Gabriel: have you ever had public caning ?
Ck: no.. why should i get caning ??
Gabriel: you took off your pants and underwear ??
Ck: i've never got caning and why should i take it off for them to cane me when i've done nothing wrong ???
*yin keng giggles*
Gabriel: (asking whether i wear underwear or panties == what a question ..)
Ck: underwear of course ==
Gabriel: so have you gotten any public caning ?? they said that you have to take off your pants and underwear..
Ck:oh my==
Gabriel: have you?!?!
Ck: no!! (laughs.. wanting to stand up and give my seat to the young lady.. lucky for me i didn't offer her the seat bcoz what came next was _l_==_l_ )
Gabriel: can you take off your pants to show me whether have you got and cane marks ??
Ck: NO !!
Gabriel: please~~
(toot !! for the 1st time someone asked me to take my pants and underwear off in public == we was "special" so i had some heart to not whack him ==)
Ck: how about you ask those people in front to take off their pants to show you ??
Gabriel: nono~~ cannot cannot ~~
Ck: (i was like == what the hell .. he was able to ask me but not others .. _l_ him)
Gabriel: please please *sticks his finger and pulls my belt and pants ==*
Ck:NO!! (oh my god .. can't i just slap him??)
*reaching his stop.. thank god !!*
Gabriel: please please!! faster!!
Ck: never never !!
Gabriel: would you take off your underwear??
Ck: yes .. only at home and when i'm about to bathe or so .. but never in public..
Gabriel: please ~~ faster !!
*Mrt slowing down*
Ck: quick.. your stop~~ the train will be leaving..
Gabriel: faster!
Ck: bye~~
Yin Keng: bye!!
toot toot toot !! _l_ _l_ _l_ _l_ _l_ !#(*$&(*#@&($*#&@(%*%$#@$%
F**K !!!
the whole time he was touching and stuff == for those who still thinks that special means gay , he's like a 15 year old with a mind of a 5 year old .. now do u know what i meant by special ?? ==
the whole time i was like .. Fu*k why is this train so slow !! why the hell is he asking me this!??!?! this is public for toot sake == o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o ...
previously i wanted to be half gay or act like one .. but after today .. NO THANK YOU !!!
moral of the story ??
*toot o0o==o0o*