Thursday 15 December 2011


had a blast for the past few days..
i thought i had nothing to do..
no where to go..
and bla bla bla ..

in other words i had surprises installed for me ...
kinda happy kinda sad ...
what the heck .. who would wanna know whether i'm happy or sad .. haha

*for those who've only just visited my blog, this blog is more or less a blog for laughters.. so if you had or you're having a bad day, my blog would more or less help you out .. if you're talking about heart break or really really super duper bad day, "read at your own risk" you might end up laughing at my stupidity .. but who cares.. it's the stupidity that makes stuff funny right ?? haha so lets start*


first off.. my week !!! then only we'll move on to funny stuff k ??
let me bore you first ...


hehe ^^ .. so happy !!!

okok .. erm .. on the second day of the exam week..
i went out with my cousins !!!
here are some pics..


hehe .. i eat to live .. and also live to EAT !!!

look at this pic .. i look so small right ??? that's why i like taking pics with him ...
lets me look so young and thin ! hehe ^^

 ah~ while waiting for food!!!

 here comes the [LIKE](s) .. hahaha

ah .. my cousin sis took 3 globes .. and i assisted her ~ hahahaha
help her like the pic !



 the more likes i type .. the weirder i think the spelling LIKE is ..
facebook addiction !! [LIKE!]

after meal~ on our way to orchard, we "walked pass" this booth .. pumping white balls for us to write our wishes on ^^ balls ~ hehe

 while writing these "pumped-up balls"
my cousin asked, how many balls do you guys have ?

the kind and innocent lady happily answered her ... ==..
i was like.. wow.. didn't know they had so many balls!!! hahahahaha

corrupted that poor lady's mind..
but we had a great time with that lady .. cheered her up and vice versa ...
laughed till my tears were out .. hahahaha

eugene .. your hand == keep it to yourself !!

MINE !!!



it's snowing !!!

aw~ check out that car ..

closest that i could get .. so sad ~
but i look happy ^^  and again with the [LIKE!]

eugene .. look here!!! ==

hi ^^ how's ur ice cream ?? hahahaha

after a "long day" of walking .. hahaha

here comes the last part of the day ... we walked passed these hunks .. i asked my cousin sis .. would you like to take a few pics with them , coz i want too ~~

she said .. it's ok .. lets get our popcorn and u guys can go back to jb early
and we happily said "OK!"

and when we reached jb, i received this picture down here

thanks mei == .... cheh ... 

_______________[end( part 1 )]_______________

haha.. as promised ... time for laughters ^^

before i show u any other pics or stuff .. my cousin told me that he saw a iPhone cable which was 30 metres long ...

i had a shock of my life .. 30METRES !!! 30 !!!!
i was like.. what the F*** serious ?!?!?!
he said ya .. i told him .. 
u can walk all the way to the kitchen and still be able to charge your phone..
that's something !

then when we went to look for it in singapore, it was writen "3metres"
== ...... *i hear crickets*

okok .. here comes the part which i promised u guys

______________[end( part 2 )]_____________

ok here goes .. i'm sure that you guys have heard about the troll comic thingy right ?
i used to think it was a waste of time .. and yes .. it is a waste of time ..

that's why people read it when they're free == 
oh mi gosh.. 
i didn't think of that earlier.. no wonder ppl keep reading these jokes ...
they have too much time ==

here are some of my favourites .. hehe.. enjoy ~

guys .. so much time but yet so little energy .. gonna knock out anytime soon ..

will get back to u guys in a few days time ^^ ..
take care everyone ...
